A wedding is one of the most precious moments in a person’s life. Uniting two lives together to create a new future is an exciting time that can change both lives forever. During this time, couples may decide to express their love by writing personal wedding vows to profess their love to each other. As a result, they may be looking for assistance to help write personal wedding vows.
Your future spouse does not have to be a romantic poet or fluent writer to create a heart-warming personal expression of their love and commitment. Your wedding day is a life-changing, extraordinary time, so if you want to make it uniquely you, having customized wedding vows will make it personal and memorable.
If you are not used to writing inspirational pieces, the thought of writing your own wedding vows may be intimidating at first.
Planning for a wedding creates its own set of pressures, and writing wedding vows worthy enough for your new spouse is no small matter! However, following these recommendations can help calm anxiety and help inspire you to begin piecing together the words that will help launch your new life.
1. Schedule Time
Begin by taking a moment to quiet your mind and think about your spouse-to-be. Make this time a priority that you look forward to.
2. No Copying
It might be obvious, but it bears saying nonetheless. Please do not copy, paste, and use someone else’s wedding vows as your own. But, of course, you can use someone else’s wedding vows as inspiration or a template to create your own but make your vows about both of you.
3. The Right State of Mind
Think about how you have changed for the better because the other person is in your life. Be in the mindset of feeling grateful for being blessed to share a love with someone who loves you and you love them. Once you are in that state of mind, the words should begin to flow.
4. Write from the Heart
Your wedding day represents the public affirmation of love and commitment between you and your spouse. You are together for one reason and one reason only. You love each other and want to share your lives. Therefore, you needn’t worry about impressing others. Instead, write your vows to an audience of one — your future spouse.
5. Meaning Behind the Words
Ok, so you aren’t the next famous lyricist. You could even think that the “Roses are Red violets are blue” poem was a brilliant literary work of art. It doesn’t matter. Remember, it’s the meaning behind the words, not how they flow together. Some couples make a common mistake as they approach their personal wedding vows as if they are writing an epic work of literary work.
Your wedding vows needn’t be complicated. Don’t overthink it! It only needs to be an honest display of your affection and desire to commit to your loved one. It’s not necessary to use highfalutin language to try to impress. It may take away from the overall message you are trying to deliver.
6. Make a List
Make a list of the things that you love about them. Include some of these loving attributes in your vows.
7. Jump to It!
Don’t procrastinate by waiting until the last minute to get started. Having your vows completed several weeks before the wedding day is a good idea. Doing so will be enough time for you to practice, edit, and become comfortable with the vows well before the big day.
8. Length is not Important
Consider keeping vows short and sweet. It doesn’t take a lot of words or time to express what’s in your heart. Your vows are not a pitch needing to be used to convince the other person of your love. You have already won their affection. Just be yourself and let your words be natural and authentic to your style.
9. Your Safe Place
Make a copy of your vows and store them in a safe place. Life happens! It’s wise to have a backup copy ready in case you need it.
10. I Vow to You
Don’t forget to include actual “vows” when writing the wedding vows. Don’t hesitate to say what you are promising, pledging, or vowing to your new spouse. For instance, “I promise to cherish you… I pledge to …” (fill in the blink). You get the idea.
Saying these commitments out loud in front of friends and family shows them that you are fully committed and may even endear you to the family.
11. Faith and Commitment
If you and your spouse share religious faiths, incorporate it into your vows to make them more meaningful with greater depth.
12. I’ll Be There!
You may want to add language that speaks to your pledge to be there even when times get rough.
13. Tell a Story
If you are a naturally good-humored person who can tell a good story, don’t be afraid to let your talents shine on that day.
14. Look to the Future
Use words that point to a future with your new spouse. Since you may have already talked about your past, this is the time to talk about your future.
15. Tap a Friend
If you feel anxious about what you have written, ask a trusted friend or family member to listen to what you have written to get their honest feedback. Just remember, you are not looking for their permission. However, they may be able to give you some helpful advice.
These are just a few tips for writing your personal wedding vows. Enjoy the process. You will be great!