7 Tips To Having A Successful And Happy Marriage With Your Partner
Photo Credit: Photo by RODNAE Productions
Guest Post by Stan Popovich
Some people wonder what it takes to have a happy marriage. The divorce rate nowadays is around 60%. Many people who are married are unhappy and many of us know either a friend or relative who are on their second or third marriage.
So, what is the secret of having a happy and successful marriage? Communication is very important in a marriage, however, the key is to work with the other person so that both of you can have a successful marriage.
1. Talk with your spouse on a regular basis. Communication with one another will prevent any misunderstandings on certain issues. When a problem does come up, discuss your feelings and opinion to the other person. Don’t assume that the other person knows how you feel.
2. Do not assume anything when you’re in a marriage. Small misunderstandings can become bigger problems in the future. If something is not going right, then talk to the other person right away. Do not wait for the problem to become a major issue in your mirage. Communication with your partner is key to resolving conflicts.
3. Be a team player and learn to work with the other person. Being in a marriage is like being on a team. Each member must do his or her own part. One person cannot do everything. Work with your spouse in maintaining your marriage and try to be flexible with the other person’s needs.
4. Do focus on your point of view. Try to see things from the other person’s perspective. This will help you to see where the other person is coming from which will increase your understanding of the situation. Don’t assume that you are the one who has all the answers.
5. Seek the services of a marriage counselor if you can’t resolve your problems. There is nothing wrong with seeking help. Maintaining a marriage is very difficult so it is important to get additional advice from an experienced professional. Many people seek the services of a marriage counselor nowadays.
6. You have to make time to make your marriage work. Take time out every day to find ways to help improve your marriage. If your not sure what to do, then ask questions. This will benefit you in the long run.
7. Be A Good Listener: Listen to what your partner when they talk to you about their stressful problems. Do not judge the other person and just sit and listen while your partner talks about their feelings. Understanding only comes from being a great listener and this will greatly reduce your marriage issues.
About the Author
Stan Popovich is the author of the popular managing fear book, “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear”. For more information about Stan’s book and to get some more free mental health advice, please visit Stan’s website at http://www.managingfear.com