Even when taking precautions, couples may not expect the unexpected when wedding planning. For this reason, pre-planning for mishaps can help avoid extra expenses. Here are some precautions to consider to help reduce anxiety and maintain calm while arranging a wedding. These tips share various ways to protect your wedding from the unexpected.
Protect Your Wedding by Planning for Inclement Weather
Rihanna said it best in a line from her hit song “Umbrella” that says, “In anticipation for precipitation, stack chips for the rainy day.” Having an alternate plan is essential if wedding festivities include being outside. Don’t let a sudden rain downpour damper the occasion. Plan for it!
Having an inclement weather plan can help gain some control over the uncontrollable. Talk about a backup plan with the wedding coordinator and venue managers in case of poor weather conditions. Likewise, ensure that somebody has an umbrella accessible if necessary.
Stand Guard
Many couples use gift boxes during their reception. It is customary for guests to deposit heart-warming congratulatory cards loaded with cash and gift cards into the wedding card boxes or placed on gift tables.
Don’t be caught off guard but instead, have a guard. Consider designating a trustworthy person to be responsible for monitoring your gift table. Taking this precaution will help assure everything remains where it ought to be.
Moreover, designate someone in your wedding squad to help direct guests and answer general questions to keep everyone moving in the right direction during the event.
Protect Your Wedding Using COVID Safety Protocols
It’s wise to ask what safety guidelines the wedding vendors are following. With COVID still being on everyone’s mind, being proactive and knowing what restrictions or safety measures are required ahead of time can help manage everyone’s expectations.
If your venue does not already have sanitation stations set up, you may want to make arrangements for bottles of hand sanitizer and napkins to be available for guests’ use.
Please Don’t Bug Me!
Those troublesome insects don’t have to ruin an outdoor event. Try placing natural bug repellents around gathering spaces to drive away these uninvited guests. Ward off bugs by adding a few drops of essential oils such as lemon, peppermint oil, and lavender. Of course, burning citronella oils and candles can help as well. Moreover, placing eucalyptus sprigs and herbs such as rosemary, clove, and thyme are repellents as well.
A final alternative is to hire an exterminator to spray the area days before the event, which will surely do the trick.
Comfortable and Cozy
Taking a few extra steps to help attendees feel comfortable can also avert grumblings guests. For example, consider passing out hand-fans for guests to use during hotter months.
It helps guests, both young and old, quickly cool down during those sudden hot flash moments. If inscribed with the newlywed’s name, wedding date, and photographs, these fans can also be keepsakes.
For open-air weddings during cooler months, keep guests warm by using outdoor heaters making sure to avoid overhanging tree branches or awnings.
Along these lines, have warm and cold drinks readily accessible to guests. There is nothing worse than being parched while waiting for the wedding reception to begin.
Communication is Vital
Sometimes, the simplest thing makes all the difference. So, when planning, make sure to inform guests of important details. Obviously, the wedding invitation or website provides essential information, but it should also include other relevant information. For instance, if the wedding is held at a venue with both outside and inside gathering space, inform guests where the event’s activities will occur.
Sharing this little bit of information can permit guests to plan to wear a wardrobe that is more in accord with the event’s activities. Guests will appreciate it!
Remove the mystery maze by having good signage at the event. Taking these small steps help guests navigate through the venue in confidence. Having great signage will be appreciated, especially at larger event spaces.
Protect Your Wedding by Getting It Insured
Sometimes the unimaginable happens. The venue unexpectedly closes without notice. The wedding dress is damaged beyond repair days before the wedding. The wedding ring slips out of the best man’s pocket and falls into the street curb drain.
Albeit, this might be a bit dramatic, sometimes the unimaginable does happen. Unfortunately, this can cause hundreds or even thousands in unexpected expenses.
One way to help decrease the financial sting of these types of misfortunes is by purchasing wedding insurance. Wedding insurance helps couples protect their investment from liability such as property damage, injuries, and more.
Stay Plugged In
Keep the lines of communications open with wedding vendors. For instance, if a vendor needs special accommodations for the day, make sure the venue knows this well ahead of time to make arrangements.
Arm your wedding vendors and team with essential information to help the event flow well.
As the adage goes, an ounce of prevention (or precaution) is worth a pound of cure. So, take steps today to ensure that your wedding day goes off without a hitch.